This is my personal site. In order to continue to run the site and provide you with great information about visiting San Diego, I accept advertising and receive other forms of compensation. (Click to read our related Privacy Disclosure).
Some of the links on this site lead to advertisers that are compensation based. Some aren’t. In both cases, my goal is to provide you with quick and easy access to great San Diego information, whether I benefit monetarily or not.
I’m always going to give you my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences. That’s because, like you, there have been times during my work life when I’ve had to swallow my tongue and spout the company line. I’m DONE with that crud. I’m creating this website in my own time out of joy and love for San Diego and my family. I’ll say what I darn well feel.
I also want you to enjoy my creation and hope that you keep coming back for more info and maybe a chuckle or two.
I use or have used, many of the vendors on my site. Those that I haven’t used are carefully reviewed, so I can ensure a high-quality experience for visitors on my site. This is true for both the paid and unpaid links to other vendors.
Some of the other companies with paid links include aRes Travel. I love that aRes is a local business success story. They were there in the 1990’s partnering with San Diego Zoo Global to create a smooth online ticketing system that makes it easy for people to buy zoo tickets and visit. I really LOVE that they have programs that help me and you find deals that make our travels more affordable. This way we all can have more fun for less money.
All of the products recommended on my site are also the same prices as if you were to find them on your own. They are not priced higher in order for me to get a commission. In fact, I also make sure to provide you with as many cost savings ideas, specials, reduced prices, cheap shipping, etc. as possible, so you can enjoy planning your trip to San Diego and on other San Diego-related products.
“Ads by Google” are not selected by me, so if you see a Google ad and a Web page about the same product or service, it is a coincidence.
Please do support my sponsors and recommendations. This site takes time and effort to deliver original content, free, to you. Supporting my sponsors is a way of spreading the joy of SanDiegoing to you, me, and them. Thank you very much.